Thursday, 11 November 2010


Hey Everyone! Michaelmas Term is slowly winding down, and it's just been getting busier and busier for me. I have my first rowing race this weekend, and I am definitely a bundle of nerves. I still have at least four essays due within the next few weeks, and I have a Yellow-Tag Assessment for Sulkido coming up too. I have a feeling I will be running on very little sleep for a little while. xP

Guy Fawkes Night was a lot of fun. Bonfires blazed in people's backyards and lots of fireworks went off despite all the rain. Unfortunately, because of the rain I don't have very many good pictures. So here are the two best ones of the fireworks from that night:

In happier news, today I decided to take a small break after running around to different libraries and had a small shopping trip. I found a store that I have absolutely fallen in love with.

It's called Cath Kidston, and it has so many adorable domestic things that I want but will probably never use like a giant sewing box kit. I'm sure a giant sewing box kit thing would be extremely useful...if I knew how to sew. I think the rose patterns on everything are what I love the most about this store. Especially the rose patterned tea sets. I really want one of those. =D

And I know a couple people really wanted to see a picture of my bike:

So there you are, and also, you might be wondering why the title of this blog post is called 'My Neighbor Totoro' in Japanese when this post clearly has nothing to do with that movie. Well, it's because 1. 'My Neighbor Totoro' is one of my favourite Hayao Miyazaki movies and 2. South Park recently did a parody of a couple Totoro scenes in one of their episodes, which I found hilarious and made me incredibly happy. (If you don't like South Park's humour, DO NOT click on the parody link. If you want to see the original Totoro scene, click on the Totoro link. Enjoy!)

Anyway, it's bed time. Good night and Cheers!


Jonny R said...

I like the bike. I hear Pac-Man had to ride it or something...hilarious times

YS Christy said...

Cute tea set, very you... Cute bike too. I can see why you liked the parody, 'specially the SF part. I could see the connection to Tototo better after I watched the ending song in English, even tho I like the Japanese version.

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